Tuesday, July 7, 2015

PART 1: Cursive Script Alphabet

    Cursive Script Alphabet (2015) by Leni D. Anderson
“Cursive Script Alphabet” is a reproduction of the Cursive Script Alphabet chart with the inclusion of Egyptian hieroglyphs[1] at the top of the chart that spells my name; the bottom center of the chart that shows the ABC’s in hieroglyphs; and, at the upper center of the chart, an image of a winged scarab holding the sun.

This piece reference, not only in my opinion, but  by many primary & secondary educators and related professionals thoughts and opinions about cursive writing [possibly] becoming what is being coined as the New Hieroglyphs for future generations. At the time of this writing, the “Common Core State Standards Initiative, a national initiative to create teaching standards for grades k-12 had recommended it was no longer required to teach cursive writing in primary school.”[2] 

Leni D. Anderson, M.L.I.S., B.A. ArtH., A.A.
Disappearing Artifacts: Challenges in Collecting and Preserving 21st Century Personal Correspondence
All rights reserved © Copyright 2011-2015

[1] National Geographic.com: I used the National Geographic Hieroglyphs Translator to spell both my name and ABC’s; ngm.nationalgeographic.com/ngm/egypt/translator.html
[2] Leni D. Anderson; PART I: Origin of Disappearing Artifacts: Challenges in Collecting and Preserving 21st Century Personal Correspondence, paragraph 4; http://disappearingartifacts.blogspot.com/2015/06/part-i-origin-of-disappearing-artifacts.html

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